Research Article

Implication of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway in the Process of Incompetent Valves in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency and the Relationship with Aging

Table 1

Primary antibodies that were used and their dilutions.

AntigenSpeciesCloneDilutionProviderProtocol specifications

AktRabbitPolyclonal1 : 1000Abcam (ab8805)
CD4RabbitMonoclonal1 : 50Abcam (ab133616)EDTA before incubation with blocking solution
CD8RabbitPolyclonal1 : 25Abcam (ab4055)EDTA before incubation with blocking solution
CD19MouseMonoclonal1 : 200Abcam (ab31947)
HIF-1αMouseMonoclonal1 : 800Abcam (ab16066)EDTA before incubation with blocking solution
HIF-2αMouseMonoclonal1 : 2000Abcam (ab8365)EDTA before incubation with blocking solution
PI3KMouseMonoclonal1 : 500Abcam (ab86714)
mTORRabbitPolyclonal1 : 500Abcam (ab1093)