Research Article

Protective Effect of Ginkgo biloba and Magnetized Water on Nephropathy in Induced Type 2 Diabetes in Rat

Figure 3

In diabetic glomeruli, disturbances in vascular size and podocyte number were rescued after GB and MW treatment. ((a), A–D) Semithin sections stained with Toluidine Blue. Dilated glomerular vessels and less podocytes in diabetic glomeruli compared with Ctrl. Glomerular vessel size (V) and podocyte number () in Diabetic+GB and Diabetic+MW were comparable to control glomeruli. Scale bar: 50 μm. ImageJ analysis displayed a marked vascular dilatation () in diabetic glomeruli compared to Ctrl. Glomerular vessel diameter was decreased after GB and MW treatment (b). In diabetic glomeruli, ImageJ analysis presented a decrease in % podocyte number compared to Ctrl (c). On the other hand, % podocyte number increased after the use of GB and MW (c). In diabetic rats, levels of blood urea and creatinine were decreased after the use of GB and MW (d, e).