Clinical Study

Influence of Dental Restorations on Oxidative Stress in Gingival Crevicular Fluid

Figure 2

(a) The impact of caries degree on OS parameters. Differences in OS markers in GCF between controls and untreated teeth with caries (0th day) in respect to Black’s classification (K2–K5): GSH was expressed as nmol TNB/mg proteins; LPO, that is, TBARS as nmol MDA/mg proteins and tSOD activity as U SOD/mg proteins. Zero line represents mean of the controls. Tables on the right show mean ± standard error of OS parameters obtained in two related samples and differences between them (p) from all patients. The number of patients within the K groups (0th day) was as follows: K2–58, K3–10, K4–6, and K5–14 (in Table 2). Nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test for two related samples was used. value was considered statistically significant. (b) GCF redox status in anterior and posterior controls and pretreated teeth within the K2–K5 categories. Groups K2–K follow the Black’s Classification. Teeth position: separated posterior and anterior teeth. GSH was expressed as nmol TNB/mg proteins; LPO, that is, TBARS as nmol MDA/mg proteins and tSOD activity as U SOD/mg proteins. Controls: corresponding antagonistic “mirror”- positioned teeth; 0th day: pretreated teeth with caries.