Research Article

The Isoquinoline Alkaloid Dauricine Targets Multiple Molecular Pathways to Ameliorate Alzheimer-Like Pathological Changes In Vitro

Figure 6

DAVID Gene Ontology enrichment analysis for the dysregulated proteins in N2a/APP cells and DAU-treated N2a/APP cells. (a) Enrichment analysis for the differential proteins by biological process, (b) enrichment analysis for the differential proteins by molecular function, and (c) the cellular component enrichment in Gene Ontology terms of the differentially expressed proteins in N2a/APP cells (when compared with N2a/WT cells). (d) The biological processes, (e) the molecular function, and (f) the cellular component enrichment of the differentially expressed proteins in DAU-treated N2a/APP cells (when compared with untreated N2a/APP cells).