Research Article

Resveratrol Can Be Stable in a Medium Containing Fetal Bovine Serum with Pyruvate but Shortens the Lifespan of Human Fibroblastic Hs68 Cells

Table 6

Cellular uptake of Res, oxy-Res, and ac-Res for Hs68 and IMR-90 cells in the medium.

Res (%)Oxy-Res (%)Ac-Res (%)

Hs68 cells
 Day 0100.0 ± 4.7100.0 ± 3.6100.0 ± 5.2
 Day 196.9 ± 4.999.4 ± 3.387.6 ± 0.4
 Day 396.2 ± 5.689.3 ± 1.186.4 ± 2.4
 Day 793.2 ± 1.475.3 ± 5.082.7 ± 2.3
IMR-90 cells
 Day 0100 ± 5.1100 ± 6.8100 ± 3.0
 Day 198.6 ± 4.0101.2 ± 1.090.6 ± 1.9
 Day 398.3 ± 3.993.5 ± 3.290.2 ± 2.1
 Day 790.8 ± 0.983.5 ± 3.984.4 ± 1.1

Hs68 and IMR-90 cells (1 × 105) were incubated with Res, oxy-Res, and ac-Res for 0–7 days in DMEM and MEM, respectively, with 10% FBS and 1 mM pyruvate under the regular culture conditions. The remaining levels of Res, oxy-Res, and ac-Res (%; related to the concentration on day 0) in the media were determined through HPLC. The standard curves of Res, oxy-Res, and ac-Res were established for quantifications. The remaining level is inversely proportional to the cellular uptake. Values (mean ± standard deviation; ) in the same column without a common letter are significantly different (). ac-Res was completely hydrolyzed to Res after day 1. As such, the uptake of ac-Res on days 1–7 was revealed by quantifying the newly formed Res peak in the calibration curve of Res.