Research Article

Antioxidant Activity Mediates Pirfenidone Antifibrotic Effects in Human Pulmonary Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Exposed to Sera of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients

Table 1

Patient demographics and clinical characteristics.

Subjects characteristicsPT0, PT1, HD, value

Age, years, mean (SD)71.27 (5.51)71.27 (5.51)67.0 (9.4)
Male, (%)8 (72.72)8 (72.72)9 (81.81)
Former smokers, (%)9 (81.8)9 (81.8)8 (72.72)
FVC, ml, mean (SD)2343.6 (777.88)2385.45 (801.51)0.6328§
FVC, % predicted, mean (SD)81.04 (26.95)77.90 (24.49)0.1813§
FEV1/FVC ratio, %, mean (SD)92.81 (4.43)91.66 (6.66)0.7161§
DLCO, % predicted, mean (SD)54.17 (18.11)56.1 (22.38)0.5770§

PT0, Pirfenidone T0, which refers to untreated patients just diagnosticated with IPF; PT1, Pirfenidone T1, which refers to IPF patients treated with Pirfenidone for 24 weeks; HD, healthy donors, which refers to healthy blood donors; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume1; DLCO, carbon monoxide diffusing lung capacity. values were determined by paired t-test (PT0 versus PT1), unpaired t-test (HD versus PT0/PT1), and #Chi-square (HD versus PT0/PT1).