Research Article

Mangiferin and Morin Attenuate Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Neurocytotoxicity, Induced by Amyloid Beta Oligomers

Figure 3

Mangiferin and morin prevent Aβ-induced ROS and neuronal death in dissociated neurons and in cortical organotypic cultures. Cultured neurons (A–C) or cortical organotypic slices (D–F) were incubated with Aβ 5 μM in the presence or absence of polyphenols (1 μM). (a) Mangiferin and morin reduce ROS generation after Aβ stimulus for 1 and 2 h. (b) Photographs show representative fields of calcein and PI fluorescence in cultured neurons displaying cell viability and death, respectively. Scale bar = 50 μM. (c) The toxicity of Aβ oligomers was measured 24 h later with the LDH viability assay. (d) ROS levels in slices, monitored with CM-H2DCFDA after Aβ treatment (30 min) coincubated with morin and mangiferin (1 μM), are shown. (E and F) Representative fields (green MAP-2 and red IP) of cortical organotypic slices and histogram showing Aβ (5 μM, 24 h) toxicity in cultures and protection when oligomers are applied in conjunction with morin (1 μM), mangiferin (1 μM), or MK801 (10 μM). Scale bar in (E) represents 100 μm. Bars represent the of IP uptake from at least 4–7 cultures per graph, expressed as arbitrary units of mean grey intensity value. , compared with vehicle-treated cells; , , compared with Aβ-treated cells.