Review Article

SIRT3 a Major Player in Attenuation of Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Reducing ROS via Its Downstream Mediators: SOD2, CYP-D, and HIF-1α

Figure 3

Illustration of HIF-1α stabilization via different pathways that finally leads to a decrease in inflammation, necrosis/apoptosis, and IRI of hepatocytes. HIF-1α stabilization also leads to an increase in aerobic glycolysis, angiogenesis, and metastasis, a sequel of tumorigenesis. Please find detail explanation in HIF-1α Stabilization via SIRT3 Modulates IRI. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), Institute Georges Lopez preservation solution (IGL-1), mangafodipir (MnDPDP), and nitric oxide (NO).