Clinical Study

Exposure to Ti4Al4V Titanium Alloy Leads to Redox Abnormalities, Oxidative Stress, and Oxidative Damage in Patients Treated for Mandible Fractures

Table 4

Correlations of redox biomarkers in control group and patients with titanium mandibular fixations.

Control group
TOS ManOSI Man0.5510.033
TAC ManUA plasma0.4250.043
GPx erythrocytesFRAP plasma0.7370.037
TAC plasmaGSH plasma0.6080.003
8-OHdG plasmaAOPP plasma0.5590.047
Study group
UA ManFRAP Man0.5190.019
TAC ManAGE Man0.4500.031
4-HNE ManOSI Man0.5920.043
8-OHdG ManAGE Man0.8830.000
TOS ManOSI Man0.5670.034
AGE ManGPx erythrocytes0.5740.025
TOS ManCAT erythrocytes0.5150.043
8-OHdG ManGPx erythrocytes0.7810.002
TAC ManUA plasma0.4250.043
4-HNE ManGSH plasma0.6620.019
GSH ManGSH plasma0.4170.048
SOD erythrocytesAGE plasma0.4700.020
TAC plasmaAOPP plasma0.6950.000
TOS plasmaAOPP plasma0.5290.000
TOS plasmaGSH plasma0.6450.002
8-OHdG plasmaGSH plasma0.5890.044

4-HNE: 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts; 8-OHdG: 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine; AGE: advanced glycation end products; AOPP: advanced oxidation protein products; CAT: catalase; FRAP: ferric reducing ability of plasma; GPx: glutathione peroxidase; GSH: reduced glutathione; Man: mandible; OSI: oxidative stress index; SOD: superoxide dismutase-1; TAC: total antioxidant status; TOS: total oxidant status; UA: uric acid.