Review Article

Non-Provitamin A and Provitamin A Carotenoids as Immunomodulators: Recommended Dietary Allowance, Therapeutic Index, or Personalized Nutrition?

Table 1

Carotenoid food/spice content.

Range mg/100 gα-Caroteneβ-Caroteneβ-CryptoxanthinLutein + zeaxanthinLycopene

20–50Carrot, paprika, peppers redTomatoes

10–20CarrotCarrots, peppers redChard, chicory greens, kale, paprika, pepper, spinach, turnip greens,Catsup, tomatoes

5–10Peppers red, pumpkin, carrot juiceAcai berry drink, carrot juice, carrots, chili powder, kale, parsley, pumpkin, spinach, turnip greensPepper, red or cayenne paprikaBasil, parsley, radicchio, watercressGuavas, tomato juice, tomato soup

1–5Carrot, chili powder, pepperApricots, broccoli, cabbage Chinese, cherries, chicory greens, endive, lettuce (green and red leaf), melons, oregano, parsley, peas green, peppers green, plums, pumpkin, sweet potato, thyme, watercressChili powder, squashBroccoli, brussels sprouts, carrot, fava, lettuce (green and red leaf), oregano, parsley, peas green, pistachio, pumpkin, thyme, tomatoes, zucchiniGrapefruit (pink and red), papayas, watermelon

From: United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA) Food Composition Databases (