Research Article

The Role of TLR4 on PGC-1α-Mediated Oxidative Stress in Tubular Cell in Diabetic Kidney Disease

Figure 3

Inhibition of TLR4 protects tubular cells from mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis by regulating mitochondrial structure and function in diabetic dbdb mice. (a) A1, A–C: DHE with red fluorescence for ROS accumulation; A1, D–F: IHC of TUNEL assay for apoptosis (arrow show) (magnification ×400); A1, G–I: EM shows tubular mitochondria of renal tubular cells of dbdb mice (magnification ×20000). A2: Quantification of DHE staining expressed as fold of dbm mice. A3: Quantification of TUNEL-positive cells. A4: Relative percentage of renal tubular cells without elongated mitochondria. (b) The level of ATP production. (c) The activity of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III. (d) Activity of CAT. (e) Activity of MnSOD. . The values in (b–e) were displayed as fold change compared to the control.