Research Article

Protective Effect of Matricaria chamomilla Ethanolic Extract on Hippocampal Neuron Damage in Rats Exposed to Formaldehyde

Figure 2

Impact of MC extract on a number of trials between the two compartments in the passive avoidance learning in study groups (a). Impact of MC extract on step-through latency in the test time and total time spent in a dark room in the passive avoidance learning in the study group (b). C: control group; F: formaldehyde-treated group; 200: 200 mg/kg MC-treated group; 500: 500 mg/kg MC-treated group; F200: formaldehyde plus 200 mg/kg MC-treated group; F500: formaldehyde plus 500 mg/kg MC-treated group. F groups versus other study groups; F group versus other study groups; F group versus other study groups. Data are reported as mean ± SEM.