Research Article

Increased F2-Isoprostane Levels in Semen and Immunolocalization of the 8-Iso Prostaglandin F2α in Spermatozoa from Infertile Patients with Varicocele

Table 2

Correlations (rho Spearman’s coefficient) among all variables given in columns in three considered groups.

VariablesInvestigated groupsSperm/mLMot (%)Morphology (%)Vitality (%)FIA (%)N (%)I (%)

Mot (%)Fertile menNS
Idiopathic infertileNS
Infertile varicoceleNS

Morphology (%)Fertile menNS0.636
Idiopathic infertile0. 668NS
Infertile varicocele0.4250.660

Vitality (%)Fertile menNSNSNS
Idiopathic infertile0.554NS0.510
Infertile varicocele0.4690.5100.680

FIFertile menNS0.6000.883NS
Idiopathic infertile0.861NSNSNS
Infertile varicocele0.5520.536NS0.571

A (%)Fertile menNSNSNSNSNS
Idiopathic infertileNSNSNSNSNS
Infertile varicoceleNSNSNS−0.504NS

N (%)Fertile menNSNSNSNSNSNS
Idiopathic infertileNS−0.619−0.787−0.823−0.686NS
Infertile varicoceleNS−0.609−0.423−0.657−0.559NS

Idiopathic infertileNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
Infertile varicoceleNSNSNSNSNSNSNS

F2-IsoPs (ng/mL)Fertile menNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
Idiopathic infertileNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
Infertile varicoceleNSNSNSNSNSNSNS0.771

Sperm/mL: the number of spermatozoa/mL; Mot (%): the percentage of sperm with rapid + slow progressive motility; morphology (%): the percentage of sperm with normal morphology; vitality (%): the percentage of viable cells; FI: fertility index is a number indicating the fertility power of ejaculated sperm—the number of sperm probably is devoid of defects; A (%): the percentage of sperm apoptosis; N (%): the percentage of sperm necrosis; I (%): the percentage of sperm immaturity; F2-IsoP: semen F2-IsoP levels (ng/mL) evaluated by the GC/NICI-MS/MS analysis. values are reported when significant: .