Research Article

Early Prediction of Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury by a New Panel of Biomarkers in a Population of Term Newborns

Table 1

Scoring system for brain injury seen on MRI scans.


Basal ganglia and thalamus
1Abnormal signal in the thalamus
2Abnormal signal in the thalamus and lentiform nucleus
3Abnormal signal in the thalamus, lentiform nucleus, and perirolandic cortex
4More extensive involvement
Watershed areas
1Single focal infarction
2Abnormal signal in the anterior or posterior watershed white matter
3Abnormal signal in the anterior or posterior watershed cortex and white matter
4Abnormal signal in both anterior and posterior watershed zones
5More extensive cortical involvement
Posterior limb of the internal capsule
0Myelination present
1Myelination present but impaired
2Myelination absent