Research Article

Longevity-Related Gene Transcriptomic Signature in Glioblastoma Multiforme

Figure 7

Multivariate analyses cluster GBM patients according to transcriptomic signature. PC-ORD v5.0 was used for exploratory multivariate analysis. Data set was profiled by the program. There was no need for transformation as beta diversity was zero and there was no outlier. (a) Ordination graph by PCO and (b) two-way hierarchical cluster analysis. The following parameters were adjusted: linkage method; Ward’s method; distance method; Euclidean method; relativizing matrix by column maximum; and matrix coding percentile by column. Percent chaining = 7.38. Clustering identified three patient groups according to their gene expression. The red clade for overexpression of the three pluripotent genes, the green clade discriminates patients with gene downregulation, and the blue clade has variable degrees of expression. Two samples (black clade) were out-group from the other clusters.