Research Article

ALDH2 Activity Reduces Mitochondrial Oxygen Reserve Capacity in Endothelial Cells and Induces Senescence Properties

Figure 1

Characterization of siALDH2 and daidzin-treated HUVECs. (a) Immunoblotting and (b) qPCR analysis of ALDH2 silencing (siALDH2) in ECs, 48 h posttransfection. Representative blots of at least 3 with similar results are shown. qPCR data are expressed as the mean of fold change ± SD vs. siCTR cells, which were assigned to 1. vs. siCTR. (c) ALDH2 activity measured in siALDH2 EC lysates (48 h posttransfection). Data are presented as the mean ± SD of % NADH production vs. siCTR. and vs. siCTR. (d) Morphology of confluent monolayers of siCTR and siALDH2 B ECs fixed and stained 48 h posttransfection. A representative image for each condition is shown. Scale bar: 100 μm. (e) ALDH2 activity measured in ECs in the presence or absence of daidzin (1–10 μM). D10: 10 μM daidzin. Data are presented as the mean ± SD of % NADH production vs. Ctr. vs. Ctr.