Research Article

Suppression of Mouse AApoAII Amyloidosis Progression by Daily Supplementation with Oxidative Stress Inhibitors

Figure 3

Detection of oxidative stress levels following daily supplementation with oxidative stress inhibitors for 12 weeks. (a) The schema of grades of 4-HNE in every organ following IHC detection. Each column represents the mean of the grade. (b) Representative images of 4-HNE IHC of the liver, stomach, and skin. The grades of each section are shown on the upper-right of the image. Each scale bar indicates 50 μm. (c) MDA levels in the liver. (d) mRNA expression levels of genes related to oxidative stress response in the liver. Histograms show the fold change in mRNA levels relative to the Con group. Each column and bar represent the . (Con and A-NT) and 7 (Tem and Apo). and , the Tukey-Kramer method for multiple comparison.