Research Article

Milk Fat Intake and Telomere Length in U.S. Women and Men: The Role of the Milk Fat Fraction

Table 4

Differences in mean telomere lengths (base pairs) by level of milk fat content, after adjusting for all the covariates, with the sample delimited to one milk consumption frequency group at a time.

Milk fat content typically consumed
Milk frequencyFull-fat

Often ()5.40.0044
Sometimes ()3.00.0447
Rarely ()0.20.8936

a,bMeans on the same row with the same superscript letter are not significantly different. SE is the standard error of the mean. For each row, the sample is delimited to the milk consumption frequency category listed in the first column. For the first row (Often), the sample sizes for full-fat, 2%, 1%, and nonfat were (28.9%), (34.3%), (12.7%), and (24.1%), respectively. For the second row (Sometimes), the sample sizes were (37.3%), (34.5%), (11.8%), and (16.4%), respectively. For the third row (Rarely), the sample sizes were (46.8%), (35.1%), (7.0%), and (11.2%), respectively. The sample size percentages were derived using individual sample weights and therefore represent the U.S. adult population. The sample size numbers do not. Means on each row were adjusted for differences in all the covariates.