Review Article

Triclosan: An Update on Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms

Table 4

Inflammatory and immune mediators responsive to TCS.

BiomarkerMolecular identity

Human gingival fibroblastsCOX-1/2Inflammatory mediatorsDownregulated by TCS
5/15-LPODownregulated by TCS
PGE2Downregulated by TCS
PGI2Downregulated by TCS
Arachidonic acidDownregulated by TCS
PLA2Downregulated by TCS
PGE synthase-1Downregulated by TCS
IFNγImmune/inflammatory cytokinesDownregulated by TCS
IL-1βDownregulated by TCS
MHC IICell surface proteins; adaptive immunity regulatorsDownregulated by TCS
Cox2Inflammatory mediatorDownregulated by TCS
Il6Immune/inflammatory cytokinesDownregulated by TCS
Il1bDownregulated by TCS
Tlr6Innate immunity receptorUpregulated by TCS

Human primary oral epithelial cellsIL-8Immune/inflammatory cytokinesDownregulated by TCS
IL-1αDownregulated by TCS
TNFαDownregulated by TCS
miR146aTranscriptional regulators of TLR responseUpregulated by TCS
miR155sDownregulated by TCS

Mouse skin and leukocytesS100A8/A9Inflammatory modulator; Ca2+-binding proteinUpregulated by TCS
Tlr4Innate immunity receptorsUpregulated by TCS
TLR4Upregulated by TCS
Tlr1Upregulated by TCS
Tlr2Upregulated by TCS
Tlr6Upregulated by TCS

Rat osteoblastic osteosarcoma cellsMMP-13Endopeptidase; collagen degradationDownregulated by TCS

Human oral fluidsIL-1αImmune/inflammatory cytokinesDownregulated by TCS
IL-1βSensitive to TCS
IL-8Sensitive to TCS
MCP-1Sensitive to TCS
TIMP-2MMP regulator proteinsSensitive to TCS
TIMP-1Downregulated by TCS
MMP-8/9Endopeptidases; extracellular matrix degradationDownregulated by TCS

Human urineIL-6Immune/inflammatory cytokinesUpregulated by TCS
Sprague-Dawley ratsTNFαUpregulated by TCS
IL-6Upregulated by TCS

Human whole blood leukocytesCsf2Hematopoietic stem cell growth and maintenanceDownregulated by TCS
Ifna1Immune/inflammatory cytokinesDownregulated by TCS
Ifna2Downregulated by TCS
Ifna4Downregulated by TCS
Ifna8Downregulated by TCS
Il-1f10Downregulated by TCS
Il-1f5Downregulated by TCS
Il-1f7Downregulated by TCS
Il-1f8Downregulated by TCS
Il-1f9Downregulated by TCS
Il-6Downregulated by TCS
Il-11Downregulated by TCS
Il-13Downregulated by TCS
Il-25Downregulated by TCS
Il-19Downregulated by TCS
Il-21Downregulated by TCS
Il-9Downregulated by TCS
Cd70Cell surface receptor/ligand; activated lymphocytesDownregulated by TCS
Bmp2Growth factors; bone and cartilage developmentUpregulated by TCS
Bmp6Upregulated by TCS
Tnfrsf11bTNFSF11 receptorDownregulated by TCS
Gdf3Growth/differentiation factorsDownregulated by TCS
Gdf2Downregulated by TCS
Gdf5Downregulated by TCS
Gdf9Downregulated by TCS
InhbaHypothalamus-pituitary axis regulatorDownregulated by TCS
Lefty2Left-right determination factor 2; left-right asymmetry of organsDownregulated by TCS

Sprague-Dawley ratsTNFαImmune/inflammatory cytokineUpregulated by TCS
IL-6Upregulated by TCS

Abbreviation: MCP: monocyte chemoattractant protein; TIMP: tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase; Bmp: bone morphogenetic protein; Gdf: growth differentiation factor; Inhba: inhibin beta A chain.