Research Article

Upregulation of miR-34a by Inhibition of IRE1α Has Protective Effect against Aβ-Induced Injury in SH-SY5Y Cells by Targeting Caspase-2

Figure 2

Activation of the IRE1 signaling pathway in Aβ-treated SH-SY5Y cells. SH-SY5Y cells were incubated with 5 μM Aβ1-40 for 24 h. The spliced-XBP1 level was detected by RT-PCR. (a) Representative RT-PCR data showing the spliced-XBP1 bands. (b) Densitometric analysis of the spliced-XBP1 level normalized to the β-actin level. The cultured SH-SY5Y cells were pretreated with STF-083010 (0, 10, 30, 60, or 100 μM) for 6 h, followed by exposure to 5 μM Aβ1-40 under the continued presence of STF-083010 for 24 h. The levels of XBP1s, p-IRE1α, and IRE1α were detected by Western blotting. (c) Representative Western blot showing the XBP1s, p-IRE1α, and IRE1α bands. (d) Densitometric analysis of the protein levels of XBP1s, p-IRE1α, and IRE1α normalized to the β-actin level. The values are presented as the from four independent experiments. compared with the control. # compared with the Aβ1-40-alone group. ## compared with the Aβ1-40-alone group.