Review Article

Regulation of Redox Homeostasis by Nonthermal Biocompatible Plasma Discharge in Stem Cell Differentiation

Table 2

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages between NBP and other strategies in inducing stem cell differentiation.


Chemical and biological stimuliHigh efficiency
Easy application
Well established
High rates of proliferation and differentiation
Can be produced in large quantities
High cost
Very labile
May cause side effects
Active multiple signaling pathways and lack of specificity
[103, 104]

Physical stimuliManipulation of extracellular and physical environment for cells
Proper electric field is benefit for cardiomyogenic differentiation
Heat effect
Electrical effect
Hard to control the proper amount
Standardization required

NBPLow cost
Convenient and portable
High availability
The main role of exogenous free radical and ROS
Easy control of the amount of ROS and RNS
Mimic natural biological pathways and have minimum side effects
Mostly research based and very few clinical trials
Mechanically not understood well yet
Standardization required
Low efficiency to differentiate
[35, 36, 46]