Research Article

Alpha-Synuclein Preserves Mitochondrial Fusion and Function in Neuronal Cells

Figure 2

Mitochondrial morphology in mito-YFP transfected primary cortical neurons of wt and α-syn null mice. (a) Representative images of maximum intensity projections of primary cortical neurons from wt and α-syn null mice transfected with mito-YFP construct at 8 DIV. The morphological analysis showed decreased number of mitochondria exhibiting also reduction in the mean area and in the number of interconnections in those of α-syn null mice when compared to wt neurons. (b) Maximum intensity projection of Airyscan superresolution microscopy showed an increased number of mitochondria in the cell body of α-syn null neurons which did not exhibit reductions in the mean area or in their interconnections when compared to those of wt mice. , unpaired two-tailed -test. Data are presented as (). Scale bar: and .