Research Article

Effects of the (Pro)renin Receptor on Cardiac Remodeling and Function in a Rat Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy Model via the PRR-ERK1/2-NOX4 Pathway

Figure 6

Oxidative stress, release of fibrosis factors after silencing PRR protein expression in primary neonatal cardiac fibroblasts (CFs). (a) Representative western blot analysis of PRR, ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and NOX4 and TGF-β protein expression in CFs. (b)–(e) Quantification of PRR/GAPDH, p-ERK1/2/t-ERK1/2, NOX4/GAPDH, and TGF-β/GAPDH protein expression levels. (f)–(h) Representative oxidative stress by DHE relative fluorescence and NADPH oxidase activity in CFs. (i)–(k) ELISA measurement of culture media levels of collagen I, collagen III, and TGF-β expression levels in all groups of CF. versus the control group, versus the Scramble-shRNA (or EGFP) group, versus the alcohol group, and versus the PRR group.