Research Article

Propofol Alleviates Apoptosis Induced by Chronic High Glucose Exposure via Regulation of HIF-1α in H9c2 Cells

Figure 2

The effect of TYP and IOX2 on the cell viability during high glucose stress. (a) The effect of propofol on the cell viability under non-HG conditions. Propofol (5, 10, 20, and 40 μM) adopted during the entire no high glucose culture phase. P0 = 0 μM propofol pretreatment group; P5 = 5 μM propofol pretreatment group; P10 = 10 μM propofol pretreatment group; P20 = 20 μM propofol pretreatment group; P40 = 40 μM propofol pretreatment group; and non-HG = 5.5 mM glucose culture. (b) Effects of different concentrations of TYP (the inhibitor of SIRT3) on cell viability under high glucose conditions in H9c2 cells. Ctrl = blank control group; 0 = high glucose model group; TYP25 = 25 μM TYP pretreatment group; TYP50 = 50 μM TYP pretreatment group; TYP100 = 100 μM TYP pretreatment group; TYP200 = 200 μM TYP pretreatment group; and HG = 22 mM high glucose culture. (c) Effects of different concentrations of IOX2 (the inhibitor of PHD2) on cell viability under high glucose conditions in H9c2 cells. Ctrl = blank control group; 0 = high glucose model group; IOX25 = 25 μM IOX2 pretreatment group; IOX50 = 50 μM IOX2 pretreatment group; IOX100 = 100 μM IOX2 pretreatment group; IOX200 = 200 μM IOX2 pretreatment group; and HG = 22 mM high glucose culture. (d) Effects of different concentrations of IOX2 (delayed 6-hour treatment) on cell viability under high glucose conditions in H9c2 cells. Ctrl = blank control group; 0 = high glucose model group; IOX25 = 25 μM IOX2 treatment group; IOX50 = 50 μM IOX2 treatment group; IOX100 = 100 μM IOX2 treatment group; IOX200 = 200 μM IOX2 treatment group; and HG = 22 mM high glucose culture. The results were shown as from five independent experiments. , , and versus control; #, ##, and ### versus the high glucose-treated group without drugs.