Research Article

Bovine Herpesvirus 1 Productive Infection Led to Inactivation of Nrf2 Signaling through Diverse Approaches

Figure 4

BoHV-1 infection altered the localization of nuclear Nrf2 protein. MDBK cells in 2-well chamber slides were mock infected (a) or infected with BoHV-1 () (b) for 24 hours. After three washings with PBS, cells were fixed with 4% formaldehyde, and Nrf2 was detected by IFA using the Nrf2 antibody (1 : 500) and LaminA/C antibody (1 : 500). DAPI staining was used to stain nuclear DNA. Images were obtained by performing confocal microscopy (Leica). These images are representative of three independent experiments. (c) Zoom-in cells showing typical dot-like staining. (d) The percentage of dot-like staining-positive cells among ~400 cells was estimated from photos derived from three independent experiments. Scale bar: 200 μM.