Research Article

Pasteurized Orange Juice Rich in Carotenoids Protects Caenorhabditis elegans against Oxidative Stress and β-Amyloid Toxicity through Direct and Indirect Mechanisms

Table 4

Effect of pasteurized juice from ‘Bahia’ and ‘Cara Cara’ oranges on C. elegans stress resistance.

Strains and conditionsMaximum survival ()% maximum survival time variation vs. untreatedMean survival ()% mean survival time variation vs. untreated value (log rank) POJa vs. untreatedb value (log rank) PBJc vs. PCJb,de

WT on E. coli OP50
 Untreated145 (3)
 2% Bahia57.068.0<0.0001144 (3)
 2% Cara Cara71.073.5<0.00010.0134149 (3)
WT on E. coli OP50-HK
 Untreated126 (3)
 2% Bahia14.011.0<0.0001134 (3)
 2% Cara Cara28.032.0<0.0001<0.0001131 (3)
skn-1(zu67) on E. coli OP50
 Control150 (3)
 2% Bahia0.0-2.00.2405150 (3)
 2% Cara Cara0.01.00.74410.1396150 (3)
daf-16(mu86) on E. coli OP50
 Control146 (3)
 2% Bahia21.024.0<0.0001147 (3)
 2% Cara Cara42.042.0<0.00010.0097148 (3)
hsf-1(sy441) on E. coli OP50
 Control141 (3)
 2% Bahia15.020.0<0.0001150 (3)
 2% Cara Cara30.035.0<0.0001<0.0001150 (3)

HK: heat killed. POJ, pasteurized orange juice, bcomparisons were performed using log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test. cPBJ, pasteurized ‘Bahia’ orange juice, dPCJ, pasteurized ‘Cara Cara’ orange juice, eTotal number of animals analyzed. The number in parentheses indicates the number of independent trials.