Research Article

Melatonin and Docosahexaenoic Acid Decrease Proliferation of PNT1A Prostate Benign Cells via Modulation of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and ROS Production

Figure 6

Signaling pathways. (a) AKT, (b) mTOR, and (c) ERK1/2 activation. (d) GSTP1 and (e) AR expression. Legend of panels (a)–(e): C: control (vehicle incubation); DHA: incubation with 100 μM of DHA for 48 h; MLT: incubation with 1 μM of melatonin for 48 h; DM: coincubation with 100 μM of DHA and 1 μM of melatonin for 48 h. Values show the mean of relative density and SEM from three different samples normalized to β-actin. For each blotting, the samples run in the same electrophoresis, and except for AR, the bands were cropped, for group standard purposes. Statistical analysis of panels (a)–(e): (A) different from C; (B) different from DHA; (C) different from MLT. (f) Cell proliferation rate after incubation with luzindole. Values show the mean of absorbance and SEM. Legend of panel (f): LZ: luzindole. Statistical analysis of panel (f): different from incubation without luzindole. was considered statistically different. Three independent experiments were performed in triplicate () for statistical analysis.