Research Article

The Effects of Age and Reproduction on the Lipidome of Caenorhabditis elegans

Figure 2

Age-related comprehensive lipidomic analysis in wild-type C. elegans (a) lipidomic analysis for YA (young adult) and 10A (10 days of adulthood) wild-type N2. Heat map plot showing the 40 most important different metabolites from the samples according to their aging status. Data are presented using hierarchical clustering (Pearson’s correlation coefficient). Metabolite abundance levels were reflected in the heat maps using colors, with blue representing lower and red representing higher levels when comparing the mean metabolite abundance values. The distance function 1-correlation was used in hierarchical clustering to determine the order of metabolites and animals. (b) Scores from OPLS-DA model for YA and 10A wild-type N2. The peak integral (a.u.) of (c) TG 57:2, (d) TG 56:7, and (e) TG 56:6 in YA N2 and 10A N2. (f) MUFA-to-PUFA ratio differences in YA N2 and 10A N2. The values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test, and 0.05 or less was considered significant. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS package.