Research Article

The Effects of Age and Reproduction on the Lipidome of Caenorhabditis elegans

Figure 5

The age-related metabolic variation regulated by glp-1 partly depends on FOXO/DAF-16. (a) Metabolite variation with age in glp-1(e2144) and daf-16(mu86);glp-1(e2144) double mutants in young adults and 10-day-old adults. Metabolite abundance levels were reflected using colors, increase (green) or decrease (purple) in metabolite concentrations, gray represents no significant difference, when mutants vs. N2. MUFA-to-PUFA ratio differences when glp-1 vs. N2 at (b) young adult stage or (c) 10-day-old adult stage, or when daf-16;glp-1 vs. N2 at (d) young adult stage or (e) 10-day-old adult. values that were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test of 0.05 or less was considered significant. All statistical analyses were calculated using SPSS package. values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test, and the value of 0.05 or less was considered significant. All statistical analyses were calculated using SPSS package.