Research Article

The Relationship between the Concentration of Salivary Tyrosine and Antioxidants in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus

Table 3

Comparison of the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and tyrosine and uric acid (UA) concentrations within groups, i.e., patients with the reticular form, patients with the erosive form, and healthy individuals without symptoms of the disease: A, B, and C. Statistically significant differences between particular groups are recorded in column 4; means statistical significance at <0.05; differences between particular groups: A-C were examined by Fisher’s post hoc test when the assumptions about normality and homogeneity of variance in groups were true or Dunn’s test if otherwise.

ParameterReticular OLP (A) ()Erosive OLP (B) ()Controls (C) ()

GPx (mU/mL)
, B
Tyr (μmol/L)
, B
Uric acid (μmol/L)

P—ANOVA+Fisher LSD test (normal distribution in groups); NP—Kruskal-Wallis test+Dunn test (nonnormal distribution in at least one group).