Research Article

Dietary Glycotoxins Impair Hepatic Lipidemic Profile in Diet-Induced Obese Rats Causing Hepatic Oxidative Stress and Insulin Resistance

Figure 1

Macroscopic steatosis was observed in the livers from HFD and HFDMG groups (a), and the results were confirmed by histological analysis (b). However, portal inflammation (black arrows) was observed only in MG-treated rats (MG and HFDMG groups), especially in the combination group (100x). No portal inflammation was observed in the HFD group (black asterisk). GLO-1 activity was increased in MG-supplemented rats but not in HFDMG rats (c),while no changes were observed in the levels of the protein measured by Western blot (d). Increased liver levels of MG-H1 (e) and CEL (f) in HFDMG rats, calculated as percentage of Ct, while no significant alterations were observed for argpyrimidine (g) and RAGE (h). HFD rats show increased levels of the macrophage membrane marker F4/80, which is further increased by the enhanced glycation in obese rats (i). Representative WB are shown. Ct: Wistar 12 m; MG: Wistar + MG supplementation; HFD: HF diet-fed Wistar; HFDMG: HF diet-fed Wistar + MG supplementation. Bars represent . vs. Ct. 1 symbol ; 2 symbols .