Research Article

Oral Administration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii during the Suckling Phase Improves Antioxidant Activities and Immune Responses after the Weaning Event in a Piglet Model

Figure 3

Effects of orally administrated Lactobacillus delbrueckii on the protein expression of COX2 and iNOS in the jejunum and ileum of piglets. (a) Protein expression of COX2 in the jejunum of the CON group and LAB group (). (b) Protein expression of COX2 in the ileum of the CON group and LAB group (). (c) Protein expression of iNOS in the jejunum of the CON group and LAB group (). (d) Protein expression of iNOS in the ileum of the CON group and LAB group (). CON = piglets in the negative control group; LAB = piglets in the group that was orally administrated with Lactobacillus delbrueckii during the suckling period. Statistical notes refer to differences between the two groups ().