Research Article

Toxic Acetaminophen Exposure Induces Distal Lung ER Stress, Proinflammatory Signaling, and Emphysematous Changes in the Adult Murine Lung

Figure 4

The distal lung expresses CYP2E1. (a) Fold difference in CYP2E1 mRNA expression in the distal compared to the proximal lung. Data are expressed as ; vs. proximal lung. mice. (b) Representative Western blot of CYP2E1 in the distal and proximal lung, as well as the trachea and liver. A “short exposure” is provided to demonstrate CYP2E1 expression in the liver without overexposing the blot. The “long exposure” is provided to allow comparisons between the distal lung, proximal lung, and trachea. GAPDH as loading control. (c) Representative Western blot of CYP2E1 in the RAW 264.7 whole cell lysate and liver homogenate. GAPDH as loading control. (d) Representative Western blot of CYP2E1 in the liver, liver microsomes, kidney, serum, lung, and lung microsomes. For each sample, 40 μg of protein was evaluated. Calnexin as loading control, to demonstrate enrichment of the microsomal fraction. (e) Fold change in CYP2E1 mRNA expression in the distal lung following APAP exposure (8 hours; 280 mg/kg, IP). Data are expressed as ; vs. control. per time point. (e) Representative Western blot of whole lung lysate following APAP exposure (8 hours; 280 mg/kg, IP). Calnexin shown as loading control.