Research Article

The Gut Microbiome Modulates the Changes in Liver Metabolism and in Inflammatory Processes in the Brain of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Rats

Figure 4

Changes of liver metabolism. (a) 24 pathways were significantly changed, and 12 pathways were assigned to “Metabolism.” (b) “Amino acid metabolism” (3 pathways), “Lipid metabolism” (3 pathways), “Carbohydrate metabolism” (2 pathways), “Metabolism of other amino acids” (3 pathways), and “Nucleotide metabolism” (1 pathway) were assigned to “Metabolism.” (c) Histology score. (d) The liver in the control group presents the normal histological feature. (e) Coagulative necrosis can be observed after FMT. Scale bar: 50 μm. All data are represented by the () by -test, .