Research Article

Honokiol-Mediated Mitophagy Ameliorates Postoperative Cognitive Impairment Induced by Surgery/Sevoflurane via Inhibiting the Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome in the Hippocampus

Figure 5

Ultrastructural mitochondrial change in the hippocampus after surgery/sevoflurane exposure: (a) healthy nuclear membrane (black arrowheads), mitochondria (white arrowheads), and cytoplasmic Golgi complexes (black pentagram) in the control group; (b) severe cell damage appeared in the surgery/sevoflurane group: nuclear membrane shrinkage (black arrowheads), mitochondrial matrix appeared darker, structural disorganization of mitochondrial cristae (white arrowheads), and other organelles are vague and difficult to recognize; (c) in the surgery+HNK group, the degree of cellular organelles above were reduced; and (d) in the surgery+HNK+3-MA group, the protective effects of HNK on cellular organelles were reversed (scale ).