Research Article

Fenofibrate Improved Interstitial Fibrosis of Renal Allograft through Inhibited Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Induced by Oxidative Stress

Figure 4

Renal transplantation models were established. (a) Wistar rats were used to make unilateral kidney transplant models with kidneys obtained from Sprague Dawley rats. The experimental group was pretreated with 100 mg/kg/d of fenofibrate for 10 d, and the control group was treated with the same solvent after transplant. (b) HE, PAS, and PASM histochemical stains for the original kidneys of the 2 groups of rats. (c) Masson histochemical stains for the original kidneys of the 2 groups of rats. (d) Quantitative analyses were conducted with Image-Pro Plus. IOD: integrated optical density.