Research Article

Characterization and Validation of an “Acute Aerobic Exercise Load” as a Tool to Assess Antioxidative and Anti-inflammatory Nutrition in Healthy Subjects Using a Statistically Integrated Approach in a Comprehensive Clinical Trial

Figure 2

Comprehensive analysis of biochemical and omics data for characterization of AAE load: (a) PLS-DA from biochemical markers, 1H-NMR metabolites in plasma and urine, and RNA-sequencing transcripts based on the presence (blue) or absence (red) of AAE load. (b) Heat map of differentially changed biochemical markers, metabolites, and transcripts before and following AAE load. (c) Correlation network between AAE-induced differential markers. The blue and red edges indicate negative and positive correlations. (d) Target-pathway network involved in AAE-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. The nodes in the yellow circle, orange diamond, green square, and purple V-shape indicate biochemical markers, metabolites, transcripts, and pathways, respectively. Grey nodes and lines indicate nonsignificant markers and linkages between targets and pathways, respectively. AAE: acute aerobic exercise; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; PLS-DA: partial least squares-discriminant analysis.