Research Article

Sinapic Acid Attenuates Cardiovascular Disorders in Rats by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species and Angiotensin Receptor Expression

Table 4

Correlations of cardiac biomarkers with oxidative biomarkers.

Vascular biomarkersCK-MB (ng/ml)Troponin I (ng/ml)

Troponin I (ng/ml)0.332
GSH (mcg/ml)-0.499-0.058
NO synthase 3 (ng/ml)-0.844-0.181
SOD (U mg tissue)-0.978-0.33

Values are expressed as correlation coefficients (). GSH: reduced glutathione; NOS3: nitric oxide synthase; SOD: superoxide dismutase; CK-MB: creatine kinase-MB. Correlation was significant at . Correlation was significant at .