Research Article

Cladribine Treatment Improved Homocysteine Metabolism and Increased Total Serum Antioxidant Activity in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Table 2

Serum PON1 activity, level of Hcy, HTL, antibodies against homocysteinylated proteins, and FRAP in untreated MS patients and the control group. Results are reported as (SD) with the exception of PON1 activity (shown as median, min-max).

VariableUntreated RR-MSUntreated SP-MSControl group

PON1 activity toward paraoxon (U/ml)87.0 (56.8-368.3)80.3 (35.0-307.1)94.4 (44.5-369.4)
AE activity (U/ml)
PON1 lactonase activity (U/ml)
Hcy (μM)
HTL (μM)
Antibodies against homocysteinylated proteins (A490)

AE: arylesterase; A490: absorbance measured at 490 nm; FRAP: the ferric-reducing ability of plasma; Hcy: homocysteine; HTL: homocysteine thiolactone; PON1: paraoxonase 1; MS: multiple sclerosis; RR-MS: relapsing-remitting; SP: secondary progressive, homogenous groups, , , and vs. control group.