Research Article

Resveratrol Prevents Right Ventricle Remodeling and Dysfunction in Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension with a Limited Improvement in the Lung Vasculature

Figure 4

RES modulates the decrease of tissue remodeling and inflammatory mRNA on the RV of PAH-treated specimens. qPCR analysis of RV from the tissue samples show (a) BNP, (b) troponin C, (c) collagen type 1, (d) IL-1β, and (e) IL-10. All data have been normalized to RV CTRL mean values. The values are given as the mean and ( for CTRL, for PAH and PAH+RES, and for RES). The values are given as the mean and ; vs. control; # vs. PAH.