Research Article

Long-Term Treatment with Fluvoxamine Decreases Nonmotor Symptoms and Dopamine Depletion in a Postnatal Stress Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Figure 12

Effect of Fluvoxamine on serotonin in the (a) striatum, (b) prefrontal cortex, and (c) hippocampus of nonseparated (NS, NSF) and maternally separated (MS, MSF) rats at PND 76. In the striatum (a), a two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of maternal separation stress (, ) and an overall effect of Fluvoxamine treatment (, ; NS vs. MS, ; &NSF vs. MSF, ; #NS vs. NSF, , Tukey post hoc test). /group. In the prefrontal cortex (b), a two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of maternal separation stress (, ) and an overall effect of Fluvoxamine treatment (, ; #NS vs. NSF, ; &MS vs. MSF, , Tukey post hoc test). /group. In the hippocampus (c), a two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of maternal separation stress on serotonin levels (, ; NS vs. MS, , Tukey post hoc test). /group. All data in this figure are expressed as .