Research Article

Warfarin Accelerates Aortic Calcification by Upregulating Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype Maker Expression

Table 2

Baseline characteristics according to absence and presence of AC in AF patients with warfarin treatment.

CharacteristicsOverall ()AC ()No AC () value

Male (%)40 (51)26 (50)14 (52)0.877
Age (years)0.001
BMI (kg/m2)0.502
Smoking (%)18 (23)11 (21)7 (26)0.634
SBP (mmHg)126 (116, 140)129.5 (120, 140)120 (108, 142)0.197
DBP (mmHg)77 (68, 84)76 (67, 85)78 (71, 84)0.290
HR (bpm)80 (70, 88)80 (72, 89)80 (70, 88)0.709
AF (%)79 (100)52 (100)27 (100)1
Hypertension (%)40 (51)29 (56)11 (41)0.208
CHD (%)18 (23)13 (25)5 (19)0.517
Biochemical index
ALP (U/L)73 (54, 82)77 (57, 93)62 (47, 74)0.001
Ca (mmol/L)0.604
P (mmol/L)0.433
GLU (μmol/L)0.583
TC (mmol/L)0.320
TG (mmol/L)0.141
HDL-c (mmol/L)0.996
LDL-c (mmol/L)0.251
hsCRP (mg/L)3.02 (1.34, 12.76)5.26 (1.67, 17.91)1.49 (0.88, 3.32)0.005
LA (mm)0.121
LVPWT (mm)0.171
LVEF (%)0.272
Medication history
Warfarin dose (mg)0.878
Warfarin duration (m)5 (1, 24)5 (2, 27)5 (1, 24)0.921
Warfarin (%)79 (100)52 (100)27 (100)1
Clopidogrel (%)8 (10)5 (10)3 (11)0.835
Statin (%)17 (21)13 (25)4 (15)0.299

Data are presented as . Male, smoking, hypertension, clopidogrel, statin, and CHD are presented as (%). SBP, DBP, HR, ALP, hsCRP, and warfarin duration are presented as median (interquartile range). values are from independent-sample -test, Mann-Whitney test, chi-squared test, and Fisher’s exact test for appropriate data between group AC and group no AC (). AF: atrial fibrillation; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; BMI: body mass index; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; GLU: glucose; HCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; HDL-c: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HR: heart rate; INR: international normalized ratio; LA: left atrium; LDL-c: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LVPWT: left ventricular posterior wall thickness; SBP: systolic blood pressure; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglyceride.