Research Article

Vascular Inflammation Is a Risk Factor Associated with Brain Atrophy and Disease Severity in Parkinson’s Disease: A Case-Control Study

Table 3

Correlation analysis of levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule, miRNAs, and disease severity to gray matter atrophy in the PD group after controlling for age and sex.

PD brain region
CerebellumPosterior cingulate/cuneusPosterior cingulate/cuneusFusiform gyrusParahippocampus gyrusSuperior temporal gyrus/middle temporal gyrusPrecentral gyrusWhole brain
ROI1234567All clusters

Cell adhesion marker
 VCAM-1 (ng/ml)-0.2900.043-0.2910.042-0.3140.028
Disease severity
 UPDRS II-0.3850.032-0.4230.018-0.4460.012
 UPDRS III-0.3880.031-0.4010.025-0.3890.031-0.3700.040
 UPDRS 176-0.3820.034-0.3870.031-0.4100.022-0.3870.031

The results of partial correlation analysis were illustrated as correlation coefficients and corresponding values (controlling for age and sex, Bonferroni corrected ). Abbreviations: PD: Parkinson’s disease; VCAM-1: vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.