Research Article

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) Extract Ameliorates Hepatic Damage Induced by Ovalbumin in Mice

Figure 3

Posttreatment with butterbur extract reduces the pathological singe induces after ovalbumin treatment. Photomicrographs of liver showing (a) normal control liver; (b) normal structure of liver in the group treated with butterbur extract (75 mg/kg); (c) liver of the group treated with (100 mg/kg) ovalbumin shows great aggregations of inflammatory cells (labelled I), giant macrophage (green arrow), and hyaline degeneration (black arrows); (d) liver of the group posttreated with butterbur extract shows healthy hepatocytes, activation of Kuppfer cells (black arrow), and inflammatory cells (green arrows) (H&E-400x scale 10 μm); (e) no fibrosis in control liver; (f) no collagenous fibers in the liver of the group treated with butterbur; (g) liver of the group treated with ovalbumin (100 mg/kg) reveals depositions of collagenous fibers surrounded the vein and in between hyaline-degenerated hepatocytes (black arrows); (h) liver of the group posttreated with butterbur extract (75 mg/kg) displays less depositions of collagenous fibers (green arrows), inflammatory cells (red arrows), and activation of Kuppfer cells (black arrows) (M.Tr.-400x; μm).