Research Article

Clinical and Microbiological Effects of Weekly Supragingival Irrigation with Aerosolized 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide and Formation of Cavitation Bubbles in Gingival Tissues after This Irrigation: A Six-Month Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 2

Clinical data of sampled sites () at different time points.

Time pointsTreatment groupsPeriodontal parameters
API (%)MGI (points)BI (%)PPD (mm)Percentage of sites showing

InitialControl ()93
Test ()95
3 monthsControl ()#89.5
Test ()##75.6
6 monthsControl ()#91.7
Test ()&&60.2

API: Approximal Plaque Index; MGI: Modified Gingival Index; BI: Bleeding Index; PPD: Pocket Probing Depth. Within-group differences: (between initial time point and follow-up visits). Within-group differences: (between 3 months and follow-up visits). #Within-group differences: (between initial time point and follow-up visits). Between-group differences: . &Between-group differences: .