Research Article

Protective Effects of Cinnamaldehyde against Mesenteric Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Lung and Liver Injuries in Rats

Figure 2

Cinnamaldehyde alleviated morphological damages of both lung and liver tissues of mesenteric I/R-injured rats. (a) Tissue histology images of lung (μm; magnification ×100 of H&E). (b) Tissue histology images of liver (μm; magnification ×100 of H&E). (c) Histological evaluation of the lung tissues after mesenteric I/R. (d) Histological evaluation of the liver tissues after mesenteric I/R. (e) Tissue level of hepatic ALT. (f) Tissue level of hepatic AST. All results are analyzed as the (). vs. sham group; ###, ##, and #vs. I/R group.