Research Article

Phytosome Loading the Combined Extract of Mulberry Fruit and Ginger Protects against Cerebral Ischemia in Metabolic Syndrome Rats

Figure 6

Effect of various doses of PMG on the expression of TNF-α in the cerebral cortex was detected by Western blotting. (a) Representative western blot showing the levels of TNFα. (b) Relative density of TNFα. Data are presented as (/group). aaa values < 0.001; compared between naïve control rats which received normal diet and vehicle, and metabolic syndrome+MCAO rats which received HCHF, MCAO, and vehicle, bbb values < 0.001; compared between sham rats which received HCHF, sham operation, and vehicle, and metabolic syndrome+MCAO rats which received HCHF, MCAO, and vehicle and , values < 0.05 and 0.001, respectively; compared to metabolic syndrome+MCAO rats which received HCHF, MCAO, and vehicle. ND: normal diet; HCHF: high-carbohydrate high-fat diet; MCAO: middle cerebral artery occlusion; vitamin C: the vitamin C at a dose of 250 BW; piracetam: the piracetam at a dose of 250 BW; PMG 50, PMG 100, and PMG 200: the phytosome containing the combined extract of mulberry fruit and ginger at doses of 50, 100, and 200 BW, respectively.