Review Article

Monoclonal Antibody to CD14, TLR4, or CD11b: Impact of Epitope and Isotype Specificity on ROS Generation by Human Granulocytes and Monocytes

Table 2

The capability of antibodies against TLR4 affects the LPS-induced effects (the references are indicated inside the square brackets).

Clone (isotype)EpitopeInfluence on LPS-induced effectsReferences
DoesDoes not

HTA125 (mIgG2a)Within D50–I190
(1) Suppress by 30% the intracellular О2⋅−/ROS production in PMNs stimulated by LPS E. coli O111:B4 (100 ng/ml)
(2) Suppress IRAK degradation induced by LPS E. coli O111:B4 (500 ng/ml, 10% FCS) in THP-1 (CD14+, CD11b/CD18+) cells
(3) Inhibit by 80% NF-κB activation in monocytes stimulated by O-4 MPLA E. coli (10 μg/ml)
(4) Inhibit TNF-α (55%) and IL-10 (85%) production from PBMC stimulated by O-4 MPLA E. coli (10 μg/ml)
(5) Suppress TNF-α production from differentiated THP-1 cells stimulated by LOS (1 ng/ml, without serum) from Neisseria meningitidis NMB
(1) Affect О2⋅−/ROS production caused in PBMC by Ra/Rb-LPS E. coli K12LCD25 (3 ng/ml)
(2) Influence on PMN priming by S- or Re-LPS E. coli (100 ng/ml, 2% serum) for fMLP-triggered О2⋅−/ROS production
[12, 106, 119, 124, 125, 130, 129]
HT52 (mIgG1)Within D50–I190
(1) More effectively suppress IL-6 production induced in U373/TLR2 cells by LPS E. coli (100 ng/ml) than HTA125 antibody does
(2) Suppress TNF-α and IL-6 production in whole human blood stimulated by lipid A E. coli (10 ng/ml) in the same extent as HTA125 antibody does
[1, 5]
15C1 (mIgG1)Y328N (LRR12)
K349LK and EVD369 (LRR13)
(1) Suppress IL-6 production in whole blood stimulated by Ra/Rb-LPS E. coli K12LCD25 (4 ng/ml)[6, 11, 61]
Hu15C1 (hIgG1)Y328N (LRR12)
K349LK and EVD369 (LRR13)
(1) Suppress IL-6 production from differentiated U937 cells stimulated by Re-LPS S. minnesota 595 (1 ng/ml)[61]
HT4 (mIgG2b)K349LKS352 and G364NAFSE369 (LRR13)(1) Suppress LPS-induced internalization of TLR4
(2) Probably stimulate dimerization of two TLR4
(1) Interfere with transfer of mCD14·LPS to MD-2·TLR4 and LPS-induced TLR4 dimerization as well[6, 131]
HTA405 (isotype not pointed out)(1) Suppress production of TNF-α and IL-8 from THP-1/CD14+ cells stimulated by Re-LPS S. minnesota R595 (10 ng/ml)
(2) The same positive effectiveness of HTA405 on TNF-α production has been observed in whole blood stimulated by Ra/Re-LPS S. minnesota or S/Re-LPS E. coli
(3) Decrease IL-6 production by 50% or 20% from U373/TLR2 cells stimulated by Re-LPS S. minnesota R595 (10 ng/ml) or S-LPS E. coli O111:B4 (100 ng/ml), respectively
(1) Marginally decrease the production of TNF-α and IL-8 from THP-1/CD14+ cells stimulated by S-LPS E. coli O111:B4 (100 ng/ml, 2% serum)[108]
HTA1216 (isotypes not pointed out)
(1) Suppress production of TNF-α and IL-8 from THP-1/CD14+ cells stimulated by Re-LPS S. minnesota R595 (10 ng/ml)(1) Marginally suppress the production of TNF-α and IL-8 from THP-1/CD14+ cells stimulated by S-LPS E. coli O111:B4 (100 ng/ml)[108]