Research Article

The Role of DNMT and HDACs in the Fetal Programming of Hypertension by Glucocorticoids

Figure 3

Mean arterial pressure of Dex-programmed offspring exposed to epigenetic inhibitors in adulthood. Mean arterial pressure of Dex-programmed offspring given 5aza2DC or VPA in (a) males or (b) females via daily injections (I.P.) from weeks 12 to 14. Measured using the CODA8 BP monitor from Kent Scientific. . Two-way ANOVA (Fisher LSD test): statistical significance is represented as , , , and . Saline-Control and Dex-Control are shown here for reference, and results have been described previously. indicates significance relative to Saline-Control, and indicates significance relative to Dex-Control. Data are presented as . per group.