Research Article

miR-155-5p Implicates in the Pathogenesis of Renal Fibrosis via Targeting SOCS1 and SOCS6

Figure 2

miR-155-5p is essential for renal fibrosis. (a) RT-qPCR determined miR-155-5p expression level in NRK-48F cell lines. VEC: empty vector. , by one-way ANOVA. (b, c) Fibronectin and α-SMA protein levels were determined by immunoblot in NRK-48F cell lines (b). The relative quantification of protein bands was carried out (c). , and by one-way ANOVA. (d) RT-qPCR revealed the miR-155-5p expression level in UUO rat renal tissues. , by -test. (e) Immunoblot and its relative quantification represent the expression of collagen I and α-SMA in kidney tissues. , by -test. (f, g) IHC (f) and its relative quantification (g) represent the expression of collagen I and α-SMA in kidney tissue sections. , by -test.